As members of the KRRC and for transparency between us and other members of the coalition in the future, where we encourage them to do the same, when they take part in meetings related to the Kosovo Roma, we report that Nezir Nedzmedin of URYD (Union des Rroms d’Ex yougoslavie en diaspora) and Murat Haliti of Chachipe took part in the conference
Roma and the memorazation where the co-orgiazer was the OHCHR-UN Office of the Geneva-based High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Since we’re from the concept of a note:
Kosovo Roma was mentioned in UN special reporter’s report
and that there are not a single panelists in the discussion panels who will talk about it we made an intervention to co-organizer to include one of the Kosovo Roma on the panel, which was done so that Nedmeddin Neziri represented us, even though we were given only three minutes of opinion that was enough because the other panelists had a maximum of 10 minutes. It should also be noted that Nedzmedin’s presentation was positively added to Bashkim Ibishi of the Kosovo Organisation Advancing Together and in the Process of Transitional Justice in Kosovo, where he had a complaint that the Strategy of Kosovo Transitional Justice was established for a period of time from 11 June 1999, and it is known that violence against Roma was before and after the Kosovo War. Given to our referral , to Mr. Bashkim, we will recommend that he be more informed because in the draft of the normative act No. XX/2020 on the Kosovo Transitional Commission in Articles 17, Item 1 and 2 states:
“1. Period that the Commission will consider includes the time interval from March 23, 1989 to February 17, 2008.
2. The period under consideration, in accordance with paragraph one (1) of this article, does not restrict the Commission from investigating both political and social circumstances, which have been conceived over other periods of time, which have affected hostilities, outbreaks of wars or other forms of armed conflict, as well as the commission’s conduct of war crimes and other massive violations of human rights and international humanitarian law during the period the Commission is considering. “
We will also convey this objection to the co-ordinators that those who talk about the Kosovo Roma problem are more serious and accurate in their presentations.
From the very title of the conference to note that there were words of transitional justice and its mechanisms for Roma affected by war conflicts in the past and present. There were representatives from all over the world, so we also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the situation of Roma in Latin America, Turkey, Spain, Austria, Sweden, Czechrea, Canada, situations that were emotional in the moment.
In the general transitional justice is a multidisciplinary field of theory and practice aimed at preventing impunity of crimes and restoring dignity to victims of human rights violations, through a set of “institutional mechanisms” that complement each other, designed and implemented for the sake of dealing with the past in a constructive and prosperous way. In addition, transitional justice strives to establish social cohesion and restore citizens’ trust, establish the rule of law, democratic order and, ultimately, achieve reconciliation. Critical elements include honouring victims, strengthening individuals’ trust in the state, improving respect for human rights, promoting the rule of law and improving opportunities for reconciliation and sustainable peace.
The primary goal of transitional justice is to provide victims and survivors with compensation for suffering human rights violations, restore confidence in the legitimacy of the state and the rule of law, establish resilient social cohesion and move towards reconciliation. By providing access to justice, social, ethnic and cultural tensions are resolved peacefully, while individuals will be able to reparations in court and out-of-court proceedings. In this sense, transitional justice also
is a means of preventing conflict by establishing facts, fighting misinformation, divisive narratives, historical revisionism and hate speech. This preventive and cathartic aspect is also vital to opening up opportunities for refugees to return to their homes in a safer and safer environment.
The goals of transitional justice are contained in national and international instruments and programmes that provide broad support for the rule of law, peace, development and reconciliation. Transitional justice as a transformational process includes court and out-of-court mechanisms that complement each other, including truth-seeking initiatives, initiatives to prosecute, damages and measures to prevent repetition of human rights violations, including legal and institutional reform, civil society empowerment, memorialization, cultural initiatives, preservation of archives and reform of history textbooks.
Although there was a discussion throughout the meeting that transitional justice itself is a long process and that the practice has shown that all its mechanisms should be used, it was proposed initiatives on creation for the Europe, the Roma Commission for Justice, supported by the local Roma Commission for Justice.
As members of the KRRC and according to the nine requests made from the letter to the Kosovo government, we see the need to prioritise this transitional justice process and monitor the further course of the situation in the process of creating the Roma Transitional Commission as part of the Transitional Process.
The co-organisers, for our part, have been given a proposal to build a manual for Transitional Justice so that even ordinary people affected by this justice can have an easier insight into a process that is time-honored and painful.
The entire conference is accessible on youtube link:
where Nedmedin’s speech is timed 2.42.30
Your comments on the subject are welcome
Kind regards Neziri Nedzmedin and Murat Haliti
Although there was a discussion throughout the meeting that transitional justice itself is a long process and that the practice has shown that all its mechanisms should be used, it was proposed initiatives on creation for the Europe, the Roma Commission for Justice, supported by the local Roma Commission for Justice,